Johnny Depp Mengunjungi Sekolah Dasar Untuk 'Membantu Pemberontakan Terhadap Para Guru'

Tidak setiap hari bintang besar Hollywood datang ke kelas Anda. Tapi kemarin anak-anak sekolah Greenwich di SD Meridian terkejut oleh kunjungan Johnny Depp kemarin.

Depp tengah berada di tenggara London mengerjakan film keempat Pirates of The Caribbean dan tiba di Meridian Primary School berdandan penuh sebagai karakter Kapten Jack Sparrow. Dia datang setelah murid berusia 9 tahun Beatrice Delap menulis surat pada sang bintang meminta bantuan atas 'pemberontakan' melawan para guru.

Sekolah diberitahu hanya sepuluh menit sebelum kedatangan Depp dan dua mobil hitam pekat memasuki gerbang sekolah.

Betarice mengungkapkan isi suratnya sebagai berikut:

"Kapten Jack Sparrow, di Sekolah Dasar Meridian, kami adalah sekelompok bajak laut muda dan kami memiliki sedikit masalah pemberontakan terhadap para guru, and kami akan senang jika Anda bisa datang dan membantu.

Batrice Delap, umur 9, rekan bajak laut."

Beatrice bercerita, "Dia memelukku dan bilang, 'Mungkin kita tidak seharusnya memberontak hari ini karena ada banyak polisi diluar mengawasiku.'"

Depp tengah memfilmkan adegan-adegan dimana dia melompat dari jendela di lantai tiga dan kemudian mendarat diatas gerobak yang ditarik kuda. Film itu juga dibintangi Penelope Cruz, yang bermain sebagai seorang kapten kapal gila yang memimpin perjalanan untuk menemukan air mancur awet muda.

Filmnya akan rilis musim panas tahun depan.

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  2. Because of numerous reasons that are tied to a certain place, a video game, already released in some places and that looks absolutely fine in one region could be rejected as unacceptable somewhere else. This is a good reason to thin that localization - contrary to mere translation- is necessary for games.

    However these facts raise an important questions: when does localization cross the line of censorship? Should gamers accept this?

    As a recent example, I'll use the newest installment in the Yakuza series. Yakuza 3 - an imported Japanese PlayStation game - was recently released in the US. Almost immediately, it came under fire for the huge cuts it suffered at the hands of Western localizers. Apparently, a significant chunk of the cut scenes, minigames, and events were removed from the US release, deemed "inappropriate" for American audiences.

    This gets me wondering: how much of the cut content was actually "inappropriate for American audiences" as in "cultural differences would prevent full understanding and therefore only serve to confuse the player and impede their progress", as opposed to "Americans are generally far more religious and uptight than Japanese people, so we can't show them this kind of nudity and/or violence"? Gamers were most likely expecting something different after reading about the game in specialized media

    Now if you look at it, most gamers actually are adult and will absolutely not care to find certain elements. In fact, their absence may come as a huge disappointment for them and alter their gaming experience. So should developers think a little more about what public they are targetting, or just assume anyone may buy the game by accident, and thus edit it?.

    Game localization is not censorship and should be adapted to players in a certain territory.


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